Schedule Email Sending

Schedule Email Sending

Schedule Email Sending

Setup > Emails

Sceanrio 1: 

You can schedule 1 or 2 emails for pre-arrival up-selling. The 2nd email can be setup as a reminder if e.g. nothing was purchased, but can also be sent always. 
Enable email delivery and setup a time and days (either prior to arrival or after reservation date). It is recommended to send out at least one email shortly before arrival date (e.g. 2-4 days). 
It is also possible to email guests arriving on the same day of their reservation up till a certain time (depending on interface). 

Example 1: First email is sent 5 days prior to arrival. If guest made no purchase, a reminder is sent 2 days prior to arrival. 

Scenario 2: 

First email is sent 5 days prior to arrival and the reminder email is set up to be send always. It is now possible to decide which upgrade options should be sent in which email. For example, the pre-arrival upselling mail could be sent with both room upgrade and extra services, but the reminder could only contain extra services. 


Scenario 3: 

Ti specify your emails even more, it is also possible to only offering one specific Extra (Airport pick-up). The guest will receive another email 2 days prior to arrival with room and extra offers (excluding Airport transfer if it was purchased).  

Setup > Emails > Advanced Delivery Options

You can schedule the delivery of the emails at a different timing than the default depending on:
1. Date Period 
2. Day of the week
3. Rate Code, Market Segment or Reservation Source. 

How to set your email content, click here.
How to exclude Segmentations from receiving emails, click here. 

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