Creating a new Room Type

Creating a new Room Type

Creating a new Room Type

Setup > Room Types > Add Room Type

Following information is required: 

1. Room Type Code

2. Room Name and Description

3. Room Pictures

4. Up-selling prices 

1. Room Type Code

  1. Enter the Room Type code identical to your PMS code. 
  2. To combine several PMS room types into one room in UpsellGuru add Secondary Room Type Codes. (For example joining King and Twin Room into one main room category).

2. Room Name and Description

  1. Enter Room Type Name and description. 
  2. You can add Name and Description in different languages (Select language code and click "Add Language")

Tips & Tricks:

Room Description: 

  1. Keep description short, use bullet points that are easier to read  
  2. List the main selling points. What are the features that would make a guest want to upgrade?  
  3. Avoid generic description that applies to every room type (for example: free WIFI, alarm clock, hairdryer, telephone, etc.)

3. Room Pictures

  1. Add as many Hi-Def room type pictures as possible (at least 1024 pixels on the longest side).
  2. After saving you will be able to sort the pictures.

Tips & Tricks:

Room Pictures:
  1. Add as many pictures as possible
  2. Have the best picture as the lead-in picture (first in the setup)
  3. Only add high-quality pictures

4. Up-selling prices 

Read this article on " Setting Room Up-selling Prices".  

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