Please complete all the below points within protelAIR and UpsellGuru to avoid any errors in the interface.
Room Types Set Up
Each room type in UpsellGuru needs a matching part in protelAIR. In order to connect, we will need a PMS code for each room type.
In protelAIR the code for the room types is the Short name. You can find the PMS code in your protelAIR System Data under Room Types:
The PMS codes can then be entered in the Room Types Set Up in UpsellGuru (PMS Code) as well as the full room type name and description.
Each extra type that is setup in UpsellGuru also needs a matching part in protelAIR. Here we need two type of codes from protelAIR:
Extra Type Identifier and PMS Transaction Code.
The extra type identifier in UpsellGuru is equivalent to the Item Code in protelAIR. The Item Code can be found in the protelAIR System Data > Items > Item Code.
2. PMS Transaction Code
The PMS Transaction Code is equivalent to the Article ID in protelAIR. The article ID can be found in the protelAIR System Data > Articles > ID.
ID and Code have to be entered in the Extra Type Set Up in UpsellGuru as well as the full extra type name and description.

If bookable packages are used they can only be booked in UpsellGuru if they are added as an article calculation to the protelAIR rate codes! Please inform your protel support if bookable packages are used. They will provide a list with all bookable packages to UpsellGuru.
What happens if the Hotel receives an upsell offer?
If the 2-way interface between protelAIR and UpsellGuru is enabled, all happens automatically. As soon as the hotel accepts an upsell, we will post the upsell amount automatically to the guest invoice. For this automated process, we will need an article that can be used for the upsell amount e.g. Accommodation Upsell. Please let us know which article you would like to use and provide us with the protelAIR article ID and code (see screenshots above).
Please note that the original price of the reservation will not be overwritten, UpsellGuru just charges the upsell amount as an additional article to the invoice.