Health Check: No Monthly Target Created

Health Check: No Monthly Target Created

System Health Check: No Monthly On-Arrival Target Created

Severity: High

Description: Your hotel has not indicated a monthly upsell Target for the coming month for your On-Arrival Program. This omission means that there is no specific monthly goal set for your Front Desk in terms of upselling upon guest arrival.

Importance: Setting monthly targets for your Front Desk is crucial. These targets serve as benchmarks that motivate Front Desk agents and provide clear expectations for their performance. They underscore the significance of the On-Arrival Program in maximizing revenue opportunities and enhancing guest satisfaction.

How to Fix:

  1. Navigate to Your On-Arrival Program Dashboard: Access the dashboard where your On-Arrival Program settings are managed.

  2. Go to Setup > Team Targets: Locate the section within the dashboard where team targets, including On-Arrival targets, are configured.

  3. Add a Monthly Target: Follow these steps to add the monthly upsell target:

    • Identify the relevant section or option for setting On-Arrival targets.
    • Click on "Add Target" or a similar option that allows you to specify a new target.
  4. Use the Calculator for Guidance: Utilize the provided calculator tool to determine an appropriate monthly target:

    • Input relevant data such as hotel occupancy rates, Average Length of Stay (ALOS), Average Daily Rate (ADR), and details about low-potential market segments (e.g., groups, crew).
    • Specify the upsell goal as a percentage of On-Arrival guests who should be targeted for upselling.
    • Adjust the upsell Length of Stay (LOS) if it differs significantly from ALOS.
    • Include the average upsell supplement to calculate potential revenue.
  5. Override as Needed: The calculator will propose a target based on the input data. Evaluate this proposal and adjust it if necessary to align with specific operational goals or challenges.

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