Health Check: Low Email Open Rate

Health Check: Low Email Open Rate

System Health Check: Low Email Open Rate

Severity: Medium

Your current email open rate is below 50%, while industry averages range between 60-80%.

A higher email open rate is essential for driving conversions and maximizing revenue. The more guests who open your emails, the greater the likelihood they will engage with your offers, such as room upgrades and extras.

How to Fix:

  1. Optimize Email Timing:
    • Adjust the timing of your email campaigns to align with best practices. Sending emails between 10 AM and 4 PM, ideally 3-5 days before the guest's arrival, can significantly improve open rates.
  2. Refine Email Subject Lines:
    • Craft compelling subject lines that encourage guests to open the email. Consider using phrases like "About Your Reservation at..." or "Upgrade Your Stay at..." to grab attention and convey relevance.
  3. Email Setup:
    • Navigate to Setup > Emails in the UpsellGuru Platform to make adjustments.
      • Timing: Adjust scheduling and content to better align with guest behavior.
      • Text Content: Refine the email message to ensure it's persuasive and engaging.

Consult with Customer Care:

  • For additional guidance on improving your email open rate and overall strategy, reach out to our Customer Care team. They can provide expert advice tailored to your specific needs.

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