Health Check: Low Email Click Rate

Health Check: Low Email Click Rate

System Health Check: Low Email Click Rate

Severity: Medium

Description: Your current email click rate is below 30%, while industry averages range between 40-50%.

Importance: A higher email click rate is crucial for driving conversions and maximizing revenue. The more guests who engage with your email’s call to action, the greater the likelihood of them making a purchase, including room upgrades and extras.

How to Fix:

  1. Review Your Call to Action:
    • Make your call to action (CTA) clear and compelling. Consider using phrases like "Upgrade Now," "Upgrade Now, Pay Later," or "Upgrade Your Stay" to capture attention and encourage clicks.
  2. Enhance the Email Message:
    • Ensure your email content is enticing and directly highlights the value of your offers. Keep the message short and to the point, emphasizing what the guest can gain by clicking.
  3. Optimize Email Timing:
    • Adjust the timing of your email campaigns. Best practices suggest sending emails between 10 AM and 4 PM, ideally 3-5 days before the guest's arrival, to maximize engagement.
  4. Use High-Quality Images:
    • Incorporate appealing images of room upgrades and other offers within your emails. Visual elements can significantly boost interest and click-through rates.

Where to Find These Settings:

  • Email Setup: Navigate to Setup > Emails in the UpsellGuru Platform.
    • Templates: Manage the look and feel of your emails.
    • Timing: Adjust scheduling and content to optimize engagement.
    • Text Content: Refine the email message to make it more persuasive.

Consult with Customer Care:

  • For further guidance on improving your email strategy, reach out to our Customer Care team for expert advice and recommendations.

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