How to Accept or Deny a Bid

How to Accept or Deny a Bid

How to Accept or Deny a Bid

  1. Once you receive an upgrade offer, you will receive an email confirmation. You can click on the link in the email (the email also has a accept/deny button) or log-in to UpsellGuru Extranet. 

  1. On the UpsellGuru Dashboard, check the pending column. Click to open up the requests sent.  

  1. Click on the profile you wish to open.  

  1. The green “tick” button accepts an offer, the orange “cross” button denies the offer. It is up to the hotel when they want to make a decision. It is possible to accept upgrades up to the day of arrival. 

After accepting or denying an offer:

  • If you accept the upgrade: On a 2-way interface, the room type will change and the up-sell amount is posted automatically. On a 1-way interface, these updates needs to be completed manually.  

  • The guest receives a confirmation whether the upgrade was accepted or rejected. 

  • If you deny an upgrade: You have the chance to select a reason for rejection. It is also possible to send a counter-offer (Let us know if you need more information on “Sending a counter-offer”)

Note: Depending on your PMS it is possible to automate this process. Let us know if you require more information on “Bid Auto-Pilot”. 

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