Restrictions for Extras

Restrictions for Extras

Restrictions for Extras 

Setup > Extra Types > Restrictions

It is important to personalize and customize which Extras to display depending on your guest type. Try to offer only Extras that apply to them. 
In the page you can target to which guests you want to display the selected Extra. Here are the options:

1. Exclude by Rate Plan, Market Segment & Reservation Source

  1. You can either include or exclude Rate Plans, Market Segments or Reservation Source (AND Combination)
  2. Use this feature if a certain Extra is already included in some rates
  3. Example: Breakfast is included in Rate Plans PROMO1, CORP2 and all rate plans ending with BB. 

2. Exclude by other stay details

Room Types: Extra will just be offered if guest booked any of the selected room types.

Advanced Purchase: Select a cut-off time and/or day. For example: Extra must be booked at least 1 day prior to arrival.

Length of Stay: Set a minimum and maximum length of stay the guest needs to stay in your hotel to be offered specific extra. 

Days of the week:  Offer extras only if guest is either (1) checking-in, (2) Checking-out or (3) Staying on selected days of the week.  


Date Restrictions: Make Extra always available or just on certain date periods. 

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