Heath Check: Early Check-In or Late-Check-Out Not Offered

Heath Check: Early Check-In or Late-Check-Out Not Offered

System Heath Check: Early Check-In or Late-Check-Out Not Offered

Severity: Low

Description: Early Check-In and Late Check-Out are recommended extras that are currently not utilized by your property on the UpsellGuru Platform.

Importance: Offering Early Check-In and Late Check-Out options provides numerous benefits:

  • Increased Revenue and Profitability: These options often have high profit margins relative to their operational cost, significantly boosting revenue from room bookings.
  • Enhanced Guest Satisfaction: Guests appreciate the flexibility and convenience of early check-in and late check-out, especially if they have early morning or late evening flights or want to maximize their stay.
  • Competitive Advantage: Providing these options can differentiate your hotel from competitors, contributing to higher occupancy rates and customer loyalty.
  • Flexibility with Availability: Setting these options as "on request" allows you to manage availability based on occupancy levels and operational capacity, optimizing room turnover.
  • Upselling Opportunities: These options are popular upsells in the hospitality industry, increasing average revenue per guest with minimal additional cost.

How to Fix:

  1. Go to Extras Setup in the Platform:
    • Access the UpsellGuru Platform.
    • Navigate to Setup > Extras Setup.
  2. Add the Extras from the Library:
    • Browse the Extras Library within the platform.
    • Select and add the Early Check-In and Late Check-Out options to your list of available extras.
  3. Adjust Pricing and Description:
    • Set the pricing for Early Check-In and Late Check-Out based on your desired profit margins and market standards.
    • Update the description to mention your regular check-in and check-out times, providing clarity to guests.
    • If needed, upload an appropriate picture to enhance the visual appeal of these extras.

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